National MS Society - Greater Delaware Valley Communications Survey
Answer as many of the following questions as possible to assist in providing feedback on our chapter's communications.
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How satisfied are you with the frequency of communication from the National MS Society?
Very Unsatisfied
Very Satisfied
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How satisfied are you with the visual design of the communication you receive from the National MS Society?
Very Unsatisfied
Very Satisfied
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How satisfied are you with the written content of the communication you receive from the National MS Society?
Very Unsatisfied
Very Satisfied
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Which of the following communication channels do you use to stay current on the activities and events of the National MS Society?
Based on current communications, what do you think is the primary message of the Greater Delaware Valley Chapter of the National MS Society?
Which communications method do you find most effective in communicating the National MS Society's primary mission?
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Why do you find the above chosen means of communication the most effective?
How often do you read MS Connection, the chapter's quarterly print newsletter?
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If yes, how much time do you spend reading the chapter’s newsletter?
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What impact does the current communications have on your likelihood of donating to the National MS Society?
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 On average, how often do you visit the following social media (Facebook/Twitter) pages for the Greater Delaware Valley Chapter of the National MS Society?
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Do you have any suggestions regarding how the National MS Society can improve upon its current communications methods?
Email? (Optional)
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